Skin Diseases: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Skin Diseases: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

  • 08/08/22
  • 483 people

Skin Diseases: Symptoms, Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Skin diseases are conditions that directly can harm your skin. We have here described some of the common skin diseases and their symptoms, preventions, diagnosis, and possible treatments.


Acne is a common skin disease that usually appears on the face and forehead. It makes our skin rough and lasts its glow. Sometimes it causes pores on our skin. So it is necessary to get treatment for acne on time by a dermatologist or skin specialist doctors.

If we talk about the cause of acne, it has various reasons behind it such as genetics causes, too much stress, using oily products, high humidity, fluctuation in hormone levels, etc. in common Acne affects teenagers but it is not fixed, it can occur at any age in male and female.

Acne Symptoms

Many symptoms can be seen on the face -

  • Crusting skin bumps
  • Papules -small red bumps
  • Redness around the skin eruptions
  • Pustules with white or yellow pus
  • Growing cysts on the face
  • Appearing pimples on the face
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads

Acne Prevention

Although there are many cause you cannot control like genetic causes, fluctuation in hormone levels, and age factors to prevent acne but still there are ways by which you can prevent acne.

  • Wash your face or acne-affected area with clean and warm water daily.
  • Use moisturizers to minimize the dryness of your face
  • Drink lightly warm water 3 to 4 times a day
  • Avoid oily and spicy food 
  • Avoid touching your face frequently
  • Exercise daily and avoid stress
  • Consult with a skin specialist doctor or dermatologist

Acne Diagnosis and Treatment

To get rid of acne there are many treatments in Ayurveda and allopath but we always recommend before having any treatment you should consult with a dermatologist (Skin specialist doctor) near you.

You can book an online/offline appointment for your acne treatment with Dr. Anuj Aggarwal (MBBS, MD), Consultant Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Delhi at Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi.


Sunburn is another type of skin disease that may cause a serious problem on your skin. Sunburn occurs due to harmful ultraviolet sun rays on your face or being in the sun too long. In case of sunburn freckles and many unwanted spots appear on your face and sometimes you feel pain in your skin. Sunburn can be diagnosed, prevented, and treated.

Sunburn Symptoms

Many symptoms can be observed in the case of sunburn -

  • Skin becomes pink or reddish and brown as per your skin types
  • Your skin feels pain and hot while touch
  • Sometimes you feel itching on the skin
  • Swelling may be occur
  • Blisters with liquid
  • In case of severe sunburn, you may feel headache and fever
  • Sometimes eyes feel gritty or painful

Sunburn Prevention

Sunburn can be prevented easily with the help of the following tips and care-

  • Apply sunscreen lotion when going outside in the hot sun, especially between 10 Am. and 4 PM.
  • Always wear protective clothes, especially dark-colored clothes will be more helpful.
  • Use sunglasses to protect your eyes
  • Use gloves and an umbrella to protect your body from sunburn
  • Consult with a dermatologist and skin specialist near you

Sunburn Diagnosis and Treatment

Severe sunburn can be diagnosed and treated easily with the help of proper care and treatment suggested by a dermatologist and skin care specialist. He will provide you with the best medication and suggestions.

You can book an online/offline appointment for the sunburn treatment with Dr. Anuj Aggarwal (MBBS, MD), Consultant Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Delhi at Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi.


Psoriasis is a skin disease chronic and immune-mediated condition that causes scaly patches and itchy rashes on the body mostly on the scalp, knees, elbows, and back. In some cases, it can be painful. The most common sign of Psoriasis is dry, thick, raised, and scaly patches.

Psoriasis Symptoms

The following symptoms can recognize as psoriasis-

  • A patchy rash
  • Ranging from scaling like dandruff spots to large eruptions
  • Rashes caused by psoriasis may be different in color as per your skin type it may be gray on brown or black skin and pink or reddish on white skin.
  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Itching, burning, or pain
  • Cyclic rash that flares up for a couple of weeks or more than that and then subsides.

Psoriasis Prevention

Psoriasis can be prevented with the help of proper care in the observation of a dermatologist and skin specialist.

  • Use moisturizers
  • Keep your skin neat and clean
  • Use a humidifier
  • Avoid medications that cause flare-ups
  • Don’t ignore bumps, cuts, and infections

Psoriasis Diagnosis and Treatment

Psoriasis can be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist. Although there is no permanent cure more effective treatments are available for psoriasis than before.

We will suggest you visit a skin specialist doctor for better treatment of psoriasis.

You can book an online/offline appointment for the Psoriasis treatment with Dr. Anuj Aggarwal (MBBS, MD), Consultant Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Delhi at Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi.


Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition also known as dermatitis. It causes your skin to become itchy, dry, red, and bumpy. The most affected areas are the elbows, knees, hands, and feet. It tends to itch the skin which can cause it to turn red and also can be swelling on your skin.

Eczema Symptoms

Eczema can be recognized with the following symptoms-

  • Rashes on skin
  • Skin flushing
  • Dry and scaly skin
  • Open, or weeping sores
  • Regular itching

Eczema Prevention

  • Whenever needed moisturize your skin.
  • Avoid sudden changes in humidity and temperature
  • Try not to sweat or get too hot
  • Avoid scratclothingings
  • Don't use harsh soaps, detergents, or cosmetic

Eczema Diagnosis and Treatment

Eczema can be diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist. We will suggest you visit a skin specialist doctor for better treatment of psoriasis.

You can book an online/offline appointment for the Psoriasis treatment with Dr. Anuj Aggarwal (MBBS, MD), Consultant Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Delhi at Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi.


Vitiligo is a kind of skin disease that occurs when pigment-producing cells die or stop their functions. In this disease usually, your skin loses its color. Vitiligo usually affects body parts like the face, mouth, hair, eyes, hands, feet and lips, etc.

Vitiligo Symptoms

Vitiligo can be recognized with the following symptoms-

  • Patchy loss of skin color.
  • Usually, it starts with hands and face.
  • Whitening of the hair on eyelashes, eyebrows, and scalp.

Vitiligo Prevention

  • Never use a tanning bed or sun lamp
  • Avoid cuts, scrapes, and burns
  • Protect your skin from the sun
  • Know the risks of getting a tattoo.

Vitiligo Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment may improve the appearance of the skin but doesn't cure the disease. If you have symptoms of Vitiligo, you must consult a skin specialist.

You can book an online/offline appointment for the Vitiligo treatment with Dr. Anuj Aggarwal (MBBS, MD), Consultant Dermatologist and Skin Specialist in Delhi at Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi.