Electrocautery Treatment In Yamuna Vihar

Nail disorders have a lot more to say about health. At Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality hospital in Yamuna vihar, Delhi, we treat small skin tags and warts with electrocautery as well as ingrown toenails with different minor surgical procedures. It includes the partial or total removal of the nail, nail bed, or matrixectomy with electrocautery. In this technique heat produced by electric current destroys abnormal tissue.

Electrocautery treatment uses low temperature, high-frequency energy radio waves to cauterize warts, and moles, remove skin tags, freckles, birthmarks, nevus, wisdom spots, and also for scar resurfacing. This technique provides exceptional cosmetic results with minimal or no bleeding, no scarring, and gives faster healing.

At Dr. Aggarwal’s Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi. We have top dermatologists. We Offer an Electrocautery treatment. Electrocauterization is a routine surgical procedure. A surgeon electricity to heat tissue in order to remove abnormal tissue growth, mole, and warts removal.

Electrocautery is commonly performed at Dr. Aggarwal's Wellness Multispeciality Hospital in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi. A numbing medicine injection (local anesthetic) is typically used to control pain. Depending on the number of warts to be removed or destroyed, a medicine that causes unconsciousness (general anesthetic) may be used.

Electrocautery for skin
Electrocautery treatment
mole treatment

Benefits of electrocautery for skin tags & warts ingrown toenail & extraction:-

  • It uses precise cuts when applied over or near the tissue.

  • It causes minimum blood loss and is used to prevent blood loss during surgeries.

  • It provides a clean operative field during surgeries.

  • It uses local anesthesia before the procedure to minimize the discomfort in patients.

Benefits of electrocautery from us:

  • Safe: Electrocautery is used for complex surgery in both open add minimally invasive surgeries.

  • Control blood loss: It helps in limited blood loss and controlling bleeding from the operating site.

  • Healing: Healing with electrocautery takes place within 2 to 4 weeks depending upon the area of tissue treated.

  • Affordable: It is the treatment of choice for skin tags and warts and is affordable.

Precautions to be taken before & after treatment:-

  • Follow the dermatologist’s instructions after treatment for proper wound healing.

  • Clean the area with antibacterial soap and water.

  •  After cleaning apply disinfectant cream or Vaseline to the treated area.

  • Do not use Neosporin as it may cause allergic reactions.

  • Apply to dress every day as directed until the wound completely heals.

Step-by-step Electrocautery treatment:

  • Any person who has skin tags or warts, or ingrown toenails should consult our skin specialist.
  • Dr. Anuj Aggarwal, one of the top dermatologists in Delhi will evaluate the condition of the patient and suggest the best treatment for skin warts, tags, or ingrown toenails.
  • The area is thoroughly clean before starting the electrocautery.
  • The doctor will anesthetize the area under treatment. it will minimize the discomfort during treatment and the burning sensation.


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A procedure that uses heat from an electric current to destroy abnormal tissue, such as a tumor or other lesion. It may also be used to control bleeding during surgery or after an injury. The electric current passes through an electrode that is placed on or near the tissue.

Healing usually takes place within two to four weeks. It may take longer if a large area of tissue has been treated.

In general, apply a thin layer of Petrolatum ointment (such as Aquaphor Healing Ointment, petroleum jelly, vaseline) to the area, again, being careful not to disturb the crust.

During the procedure, Dr. Anuj Aggarwal numbs the treatment area using a local anesthetic to minimize your discomfort. He then uses a small probe to apply electrical current to the warts, burning away the tissue. After the treatment, you can expect some pain, swelling, and tenderness at the treatment site.